J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee
PO Box 220, Los Alamos, NM 87544

51st Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture: Ancient DNA and the Peopling of The AmericasJennifer Raff, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of KansasJune 24, 2024video
Lecture: It’s All Downhill: A Brief History of Skiing at Los AlamosGeorge Lawrence, Past President, Los Alamos Ski ClubOctober 2, 2023video
Lecture: Fifty (Well, Maybe Two) Shades of Grey: Nuance in the Relationship Between Lewis Strauss and J. Robert OppenheimerJack Shlachter, Rabbi, HaMakom and Los Alamos Jewish CenterJuly 10, 2023video
50th Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture: Printing Soft Objects and Functional TissuesJennifer Lewis, Jianming Yu Professor of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.June 19, 2023video
49th Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture: Black Holes: from Oppenheimer’s Ideas to the First Direct ImagesFeryal Özel, Professor and Chair, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 12, 2022video
Lecture: Los Alamos: Robert Oppenheimer’s Greatest LegacyJames W. Kunetka, Associate Vice President, University of Texas at Austin (retired), and authorApril 18, 2022video
Lecture: MANHATTAN: The View from Los Alamos of History’s Most Secret Project Alan B. Carr, Senior Historian, LANLApril 4, 2022video
Panel Discussion: Pajarito Plateau before the Manhattan ProjectFraser Goff, Geologist, LANL (retired), Ali Livesay, Archaeologist, LANL, Tim Martinez, Cultural Resources Advisor, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Elliot Schultz, Historian of Science,  LANLMarch 21, 2022video
Panel Discussion: There is No Planet B: A Call to Address Climate ChangeFrance A. Cordova, former Director National Science Foundation, Alexandra Jonko, Earth and Environmental Division, LANL, David Gutzler, Professor Emeritus, University of NMAugust 11, 2021video
48th Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture: A Brief History of Black Holes: From Oppenheimer to LIGONobel Laureate Kip Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, Cornell UniversityMay 8, 2019video
47th Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture: A Random Walk through Physics to the Nobel PrizeNobel Laureate J. Michael Kosterlitz, Harrison E. Farnsworth Professor of Physics,  Brown UniversityOctober 28, 2018video