J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee
PO Box 220, Los Alamos, NM 87544

Our Mission

We honor the legacy and spirit of J. Robert Oppenheimer by promoting the love of learning and the power of discovery in ways that have a positive impact on our world.

Our Vision

The J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee, with financial support from our community donors, honors J. Robert Oppenheimer’s legacy through thought-provoking public lectures by distinguished speakers; a scholarship program for high school students exhibiting exceptional promise, creative thinking, and excitement of discovery; and science-education outreach activities in Northern New Mexico.

Committee Members
The Committee consists of up to twenty-five members from various walks of life, some long-term residents of the area, others more recent, all dedicated to furthering the memory and spirit of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Wendee Brunish (Executive Administrator)
Vivien Chen
Jonathan Creel
Hedy Dunn
John Engen
Damon Giovanielli
Galen Gisler (Treasurer)
Hubert van Hecke
Jeffrey Howell
David Izraelevitz
Steve Laurent
Anna Llobet Megias (Chair)
Carolyn Mangeng
Olga Martin
Elizabeth Martineau
Art Montoya
JJ Mortensen
Tom Ribe
Jeanne Robinson
John Ruminer
Sara Scott (Vice-Chair)
James TenCate (Archivist)
Robert Thomsen
Mike Wheeler
Ning Xu (Secretary)